If you want to know about saudi arabia transportation -Turkey:
Telephone: +90324 336 33 34
GSM: +90546 831 7471
E-mail: info@projeglobal.com
The head office is located in Mersin, Turkey. Ltd. Sti. In Saudi from Turkey Arabia saudi arabia partial transportation, saudi arabia logistics, saudi arabia truck transport, wanting to send saudi arabia land transportation partial container importers and Saudi exporters the demands of our company to meet quickly and reliably Arabia our service container shipping & maritime transport You can use.
International shipping companies situated between our company Project Global Logistics, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to freight forwarders in geography, All kinds of container transport to realize their foreign trade activities service standard and special equipment (Open Top, Flatrack, Platforms & Reefer containers) service.
As Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where our country exports very frequently, we solve the possible transportation-traffic-delivery-transportation problems that may occur in the container transportation network as Project Global Logistics with the sufficient equipment and experienced team in the shortest time possible.